Sunday 29 April 2012

Hate My Job..But Can't Leave It

I believe ramai yang hate the job they are doing now, but cant leave it. For me, I hate my job for so long, but still I could not find a way to get out from this terrible job I have. Selain kerja yang makin challenging dan banyak, lost direction, demotivated, environment kerja yang tak condusive, unencouraging colleges to name a few. Kalau list down, memang banyak..all negative.

Tapi, setiap pagi, bukak mata, rasa macam malas nak pergi kerja, setiap hari macam tu for years..erggggghh..letih sangat...if finding another job is not a solution, maybe this 9 steps could help. This is a direct copy from a blog I got from Internet in English. I have tried before to translate English articles to Bahasa Malaysia artiles, I reliase that it is not that easy. My translation sounds boring and very blunt. So, I decided to just cut and paste this article which I found it more interesting to keep it in English.

The thing is, the work sector that I am in, memang susah nak cari kerja lain di Ipoh. Kenkadang, rasa jammed kepala, kat Ipoh ni nak kerja apa? I am not young anymore and the idea to start all over again in a new place is just too dreadful for me.

1. Have a good sense of humor. Strive to maintain a lightheartedness about what you're doing. If you can't stand the people you work with, laugh about how reliably silly and petty people can be, the way we laugh at how children fight over teddy bears. Imagine you're living in a sitcom. Turn monotonous tasks into games. Be playful.
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2. Practice your optimism. If there was ever a way to test your outlook on life, this is certainly one of them. There's a lot of misery that you can let go of just by changing the way you see your situation. For example, viewing your job as a temporary lot rather than something you're going to be "stuck" with for the rest of your life can make a big difference in your mood. Look at the big picture...the much bigger picture.
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3.     Live in the moment. One of the ways to avoid getting lost in your frustration is to get so lost in the moment - the minute details of what you're doing, and how you feel when you're doing it - that you forget about all those negative thoughts. While optimism asks you to look at the big picture, living in the moment involves looking at the tiniest picture possible. Do not dwell on the past. Whenever negative past events pop into your mind, bring your attention back to the task at hand. Similarly, don't imagine about the future. Oftentimes we imagine future events that never happen, so we worry for nothing. Living in the moment is not always easy to do. Meditation or mindfulness meditation can help.
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4.     Commit random acts of kindness. How much can you surprise people with your kindness? What would happen if you decided to start acting like Jesus, Gandhi, Santa Claus, or any other historically kind figure at work? At first, people would probably be surprised. But try it. How might it transform your workplace?

5.     Try to avoid accidentally coming off as condescending when you're being kind. Some people just aren't used to being treated nicely for no apparent reason!

6.     Keep a journal. View it as a social experiment. Maybe start a blog! Write in/ on it every day!
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7.     Learn How to Deal with a Bad Boss. In many cases, a miserable job is closely linked to a miserable boss. If you can fix that, maybe you can even Help Your Boss Succeed andGet a Promotion!
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8.     Lose Your Fear of Being Fired. Sometimes what makes a job hate-worthy is that we feel like we need it, almost like we're slaves, because we absolutely dread getting fired. But living in fear of getting fired is not a good way for anyone to live.

9.     When all else fails, Look Busy at Work Without Really Working or Call in Sick When You Just Need a Day Off. Do this in moderation, though, or else you won't have any job to hate!
10.     Understand that even bad situations can be learning situations. Remember to keep learning. Even if you hate your job, there are always opportunities for you to learn something new.

11.Most importantly keep looking for another job! This situation won't be forever, even prisoners get let out eventually.

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