Saturday 14 April 2012

Berat badan naik lagi..grrrr

Yoga Stretch - Height Increase Exercise

Grrr...berat badan naik lagi, tension nyer..nak turun susah betul, naik..pantang enjoy food skit, alamat runsing la tengok weighing scale.

I can feel the increase in weight, first sebab baju dari saiz M dah jadi L, then, tummy spare giler2..craving for food non stop..lapar jer..

Pi gym, main badminton, tapi tak consistent. Kerja banyak dan stress kat office make me just want to go back home and sleep. Tapi weight problem is memang menyusahkan, rasa muka pun round, double chin, pakai baju apa pun tak cantik, the most obvious is pergerakan pun macam tak aktif.

Dengan age catching up plus low metabolism plus inactive lifestyle, memang contribute to berat naik. Plus, I jenis kena pekena nescafe pepagi baru otak jalan, then lepas makan tengahari minum teh ais, lagi la menambahkan unnecessary calories.

Sekarang ni tengah kurangkan makan dan try to do a little exercise regime, hopefully dapat la turun sekilo dua..rasa ringan skit badan..

For those yang tercari2 web guidance to lose weight, so far I found this blog are very good reference and motivation, try la tips2 yang diberi and gud luck.

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